dr. Marian Krupa (PhD)
SAP ERP / BI / BPMS expert
scientist, academic teacher
Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University – Faculty of History and Social Sciences, Warsaw, Poland (2001-2003)
PhD Degree Course, subject: Contemporary Organization and Management in Axiological Perspective. Towards Organizational Excellence
Jagiellonian University – Faculty of Management and Social Communication, Cracow, Poland (1994-1999)
Master and Bachelor Degree, subject: Speculative Risk Management Based on the Printing and Publishing Co “Antykwa”
Canada Life Assurance Company, Vancouver, B.C., Canada
“Financial and insurance personal planning” course, May 1993
British Columbia Institute of Technology, Vancouver, B.C., Canada
Canadian Taxation Law – 1992, Personal Financial Planning, Accounting for Managers – 1993
Pitman Business College, Vancouver, B.C., Canada
Business Administration and Management Diploma – 1992/93
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., Canada
Business English – 1992
Courses for individual investors – 1992/93
Small Business Course – 1989
in English:
BI class systems and efficient management decision-making – Social importance of information systems in management, Societas Vistulana, Kraków, Poland 2020
The use of “Check Alert” technique in data quality management and business analysis within the company – Information management in the era of the Internet, Societas Vistulana, Kraków, Poland 2020
Smart Games and contemporary business education – LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany 2018
”Customizing at SAP – mySAP Supply Chain Management (Edition 2004)”, International Conference on Mass Customization and Personalization (UITM in Rzeszów, 2004)”
”The Value Concept in Contemporary Organization and Management” (University of Miscolc, Hungary – 2003
”The Supply Chain Management Model in mySAP.com – key factor of success in the New Economy” (Total Logistic Management Conference – Ustroń 2001)
”The Internet Initiatives of SAP – In Search of the New Economy” (e-Uniwersytet: Methods and Tools” – University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszow – 2001)
in Polish:
Simulation and optimization of business processes on the example of Bizagi Process Modeler. Assessment of the usability of the BPMS application by users – Management and Production Engineering 4.0, IZiIP MUP ,Oświęcim 2020.
BI class systems and efficient managerial decision making – AKA_2019 – PL edition.
Application of the „Check Alert” technique in data quality management and business analysis – AKB_2019_ PL edition.
The development of family businesses in Poland and the European Union countries – ZN WSSE nr 2/29, Ostrołęka 2018
Effective management of the business data security in the global cyberspace based on the SMART ZBI method – Zarządzanie i Finanse nr 2/1, Szczecin 2017
Crowdfunding as an innovative instrument for managing the financial liquidity risk in the SME sector – Współczesne Finanse nr 1/2, Szczecin 2017
The role of CRM class systems in shaping the dynamic growth of the company’s value in the SME sector – Marketing i Zarządzanie nr 2/43, Szczecin 2016
The role of integrated ERP class IT systems in shaping organizational culture. Between constructive culture and technopathology – Zarządzanie i Finanse nr 3/1, Gdańsk 2016
Dilemmas in shaping managerial competencies in the perspective of applying various epistemological models. Between universalism and relativism in management – Demographic and social changes in Poland and Europe as a challenge for science and management practice, Monograph AGH, Kraków 2015
Usability of Business Process Management (BPMS) class systems for companies from the SME sector – ZN nr 116, Uniwersytet Szczeciński, Szczecin 2015
The SAP HANA application platform as an example of commercial implementation of the In Memory Computing (IMC) technology – Methods and tools for saving and sharing data, Monografia Krakowska Akademia im. F. Modrzewskiego Kraków 2014
SOA implementation as SAP business software solution – Methods and tools for saving and sharing data, Monografia Krakowska Akademia im. F. Modrzewskiego, Kraków 2014
Opportunities and threats in the implementation of Business Intelligence class IT projects in the SME sector – ZN nr 111, Uniwersytet Szczeciński, Szczecin 2014
Comprehensive management of a modern company based on Business Intelligence class IT systems – Socio-cultural and legal aspects of managing organizations, Monografia AGH, Kraków 2013
Conditions for the implementation of IT projects (ERP) within the SME sector in Poland – ZN nr 102 Uniwersytet Szczeciński, Szczecin 2013
A modern model of managerial education. Towards the IT civilization – Education and development of specialists and managers, Monografia AGH, Kraków 2012
Kaizen concept in public administration? Organizational cultures and change management on the example of an integrated system implementation project at the university environment – Kultura Kaizen WSIiZ Rzeszów 2011
Axiological games and IT project management – ANNALES. Etyka w życiu gospodarczym, Łódź 2010
“Introduction to Management within Information Technology Civilization”, “Praxeology 147/2007”, Warsaw 2007.
“Philosophical Foundation of Contemporary Organization and Management”, Salesian Academy of Economics and Management, Lodz 2005.
”Axiological Perspective in Contemporary Advertisements”, Salesian Academy of Economics and Management, Lodz 2003.
”Twelve Rules of Excellent Management”, Sercanie Congregation Seminar, Stadniki-Cracow, 2002.
”University Publishing Management and the Polish Book Market Analysis”, National Culture Center and Institute of Art, Cracow 2002.
”mySAP.com Platform in Business Education: Case Study of the University of Information Technology and Management”, University of Information Technology and Management (UITM), Rzeszow 2002.
”Integrated Business Management Implementation Methodology in Theory and Practice of Polish Enterprises”, University of Economics (AE), Cracow 2002.
”Idea of Excellence in Organization and Management”, Warsaw School of Economics (SGH), Warsaw 2002.
”Business Intelligence as a Key Factor of the Competitiveness of Enterprises in the 21st century”, University of Economic Activities in Warsaw, 2001.
”The Role of Academic Publishing in Creating Intellectual Capital and Reputation at Universities” UITM in Rzeszów, 2001.
”Dilemmas in the Education of Managers” Jagiellonian University, Cracow 2000/2001.
”Risk and Uncertainty in Company Management” published in both traditional and multimedia versions by UITM and Antykwa, Rzeszow, Kluczbork 2000/2001.